

May 01, 2018 - Søren Alsbjerg Hørup

Parcel-bundler is a zero configuration web application bundler similar to webpack. It sports multicore compilation and filesystem cache for faster build times, with out of the box support for the most common file types.

Setting up a project using Parcel-Bundler for TypeScript + React is a piece of cake.

Simply create an index.html file which references the index.tsx file directly and invoking the following command from cmd:

parcel index.html

and we are off!

Build wise, parcel will automatically use index.html as entry-point, invoke the TSC compiler for the TypeScript source and include referenced CSS files in the build.

In addition, it will automatically host the bundle on port 1234 and do hot replacement upon changes to the underlying source.

Build wise, it is about twice as fast compared to webpack on my Quad core while sporting even faster build times during incremental builds.

Parcel-Bundler will definitely replace my use of Webpack on most of my projects.